A Delicate Dagger Antiqued Coffin


A dagger and Pansy burned into the top and sides of the coffin with acids, aged, stained, and sealed. Standing a foot tall, and 4 inches wide at the widest point, easily set to rest inside your most precious possessions. Perfect for holding crystals, your uh… herbs, or even to hold a beloved pet or persons ashes. Maybe put sand in it and a little rake to make a little zen garden. Ya know, the coffin is your oyster.

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A dagger and Pansy burned into the top and sides of the coffin with acids, aged, stained, and sealed. Standing a foot tall, and 4 inches wide at the widest point, easily set to rest inside your most precious possessions. Perfect for holding crystals, your uh… herbs, or even to hold a beloved pet or persons ashes. Maybe put sand in it and a little rake to make a little zen garden. Ya know, the coffin is your oyster.

A dagger and Pansy burned into the top and sides of the coffin with acids, aged, stained, and sealed. Standing a foot tall, and 4 inches wide at the widest point, easily set to rest inside your most precious possessions. Perfect for holding crystals, your uh… herbs, or even to hold a beloved pet or persons ashes. Maybe put sand in it and a little rake to make a little zen garden. Ya know, the coffin is your oyster.


Okay this one seems less spooky.

Psych! It’s still a coffin.

I got you for a minute didn’t I? haha, I’m so funny




“I’m so funny”

Beth M.


Antiqued Mums Coffin
Antiqued Mum Coffin